Meet our New York City Charity Partner- Free Arts NYC

We are excited to officially announce our charity partnership with Free Arts NYC! Free Arts NYC is a non-profit organization that empowers youth in underserved communities through art and mentoring programs; developing their confidence, creativity and skills to succeed. 

After speaking with Free Arts NYC and hearing about their work, we knew that our passion for uplifting local communities through the power of art aligned perfectly with their mission statement.

"We believe that art is essential to foster creative expression for the children of New York City, no matter the circumstance. Art is a powerful tool that may serve as a coping mechanism with the ability to shape and reframe perspectives. Now more than ever, it is vital that Free Arts sustains its programming to ensure access to the therapeutic escape of art making and empower the artists and voices of tomorrow."

Free Arts NYC hosts a number of programs including Free Arts Days and Art Parties for younger children, as well as mentorship and portfolio development initiatives for teens and young adults. They even help aspiring creatives secure internships with a number of creative firms around New York so that they can gain valuable experience in their field of interest.

We are pledging to donate 5% of all sales of our current and future New York City themed prints to Free Arts NYC. We are excited to embark on this new adventure and plan to continue collaborating with charities based in the communities that our artists depict. You can learn more about Free Arts NYC at their website- here and shop our current selection of NYC prints- here